Des énergies unies pour la vie.


  • Human Capital

    With its particular philosophy concerning the human resources management, SOTHEMA makes of the collaborator its top priority. It also endeavors to maintain the respect and the rigorous implementation of the procedures as well their simplification. Objective : to facilitate the implementation of tasks and humanize the relations between the Sothemians. The human resources politics of SOTHEMA is based on strong values of respect for collaborators, trust and demand. The stages of HR process are : recruitment, training, career management… The integration of new collaborators in SOTHEMA is made according to their training, experience and also their human potential. For the common interest, the collaborators can choose their mission. Coaching is a variable that cannot be dissociated from the SOTHEMA’s HR policy. Indeed, the managers are close to their teams in order to help them in the accomplishment of their tasks. They regularly and rigorously follow the process of the mission of each member.

    Aware of the rapid growth of its environment, SOTHEMA grants a particular attention to the development of its collaborators’ skills. Il massively invests in trainings and seminars following a plan that is updated on a yearly basis. The trainings are dedicated to all the collaborators of SOTHEMA: engineers, pharmacists, salesmen, buyers, managers… It thus includes all the functions existing in the enterprise. In Morocco or abroad, some of the trainings are organized in cooperation with the principal laboratories. The technologies that are used in SOTHEMA require important level of mastery and highly specialized qualifications. This justifies the rate of supervision which reaches 20%.

    At SOTHEMA everyone gets what they deserve. The employees are paid according to some criteria notably the rate of return, loss ratio and regular attendance. Their salary includes a fixed part to which a monthly bonus is added according their productivity. The executives are paid based on their fixed amount plus a monthly bonus according to the realization of the objectives. The wages of executives and non executives systematically include a 13th month payment granted in two parts respectively at the end of June and December.

  • Opportunities

    SOTHEMA‘s time-tested ability to attract talents, to continuously enhance their skills and retain them makes it one of the employers of choice for all workforce categories: executives, junior managers, technicians and workers.  SOTHEMA‘s HR policy, embodied particularly in its recruitment tools, its performance assessment system and training, allows all newly-recruited staff to enhance their occupational proficiency as avail themselves of a wide supply of career opportunities. This carefully defined policy brings together the best solution to SOTHEMA‘s development needs and the consistency with its social project founding principles.  The policy builds on strong values of ethics, humanism, transparency and local involvement.

  • Trainings

    Fully aware of the ongoing changes in its environment, SOTHEMA uses training as a preferred means for learning and self-development within the organization. SOTHEMA is joining together its operational resources so as to allow its staff to benefit from traditional forms of training, geared to its distinctive sets of expertise, while also bringing to light new tracks, providing everyone with the opportunity to become agents of their own development.  SOTHEMA organizes training sessions for the entire workforce, especially officers, accounting for 20% of the total payroll costs.  Several training courses are held at partner pharmaceutical firms, offering Sothema employees an opportunity to gain and develop intercultural skills.

  • Submit a CV

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      CV (obligatoire)

      Lettre de motivation (obligatoire)

    • Capital humain


    • Opportunités


    • Formation


    • Déposer un CV


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